This is a place where I choose to share my innermost thoughts, feelings, and inspirations with you - the world.

About Me

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I am a twenty year old girl with the world at my feet and my head in the clouds. I could go on to write a lengthy biography that may or may not interest you, but no matter what I write, you still won't know the real me. I'm Marta, and that's all I'll ever be.


"Nothing of me is original. I am a combined effort of everyone I have ever known."

I'm up late thinking again, even though I have to be up at 6 tomorrow morning. I don't think I'm going to be getting any sleep tonight.

I was chatting with Alie and she mentioned how she was a perfect mix of both of her parents, not just look-wise, but personality-wise as well. It got me thinking about my parents and how much I'm like them, and you know what? I couldn't really think of anything. I remember my dad telling me about how much I'm like him in that I feel the need to see the world and how I never asked my parents for permission to do anything. I just told them I was doing something and I would do it. I know that he's right but it makes me kind of sad that I can't think of anything else. I also thought about how much you learn from friends and other people you know. They teach you and inspire you and it's really very strange to sit back and think about how your life would be if you had never met certain people. It's almost impossible, really. I can't even picture what I'd be like.

Then, there's music. What kind of person would you be if you had never heard of your favorite band, or any other band or artist that has truly inspired you? I can think of several bands that have really helped to mold me as a person. I think that must be the best part for any musician; to not only have people love your music and to relate to it, but knowing that you have really changed somebody's life without meaning to. I wish that I could meet all of the artists that I've looked up to since I can remember and really let them know how big of an impact they've had on my life. I think that would make me sound slightly creepy, though.

I feel like I had more to say but I can't remember now.

Oh, I just watched The Notebook for the umpteenth time. It's so inspiring and the perfect movie to watch when I need a good cry.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I was thinking about the parent thing again today. Love you, biffle.
