This is a place where I choose to share my innermost thoughts, feelings, and inspirations with you - the world.

About Me

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I am a twenty year old girl with the world at my feet and my head in the clouds. I could go on to write a lengthy biography that may or may not interest you, but no matter what I write, you still won't know the real me. I'm Marta, and that's all I'll ever be.


"To die would be an awfully big adventure."

Well, it looks like I'm one of the last people to jump on the blogging bandwagon. I never knew what to blog about before. I never found my life to be interesting enough to share with the world, but after talking to several friends I figured that this would be a good place to share my ideas and inspirations instead of keeping them locked inside my mind, and at least this way I can hope to get some sort of feedback from other people. So, here we go.

A week from today will be my twentieth birthday and that scares me more than it should. Twenty seems so old to me. I remember when I was younger, I would daydream about how I would look like when I was twenty and what I would be doing with my life. This is not to say that I am not happy with the way that things turned out. I go where the wind takes me and I usually make my best decisions on a total impulse - I've never been one for thinking things through very thoroughly. This has always worked for me, though.

I was thinking of making a new list of goals to accomplish by some set time, but I realized that following a list would not be any good for me. You never know what the future entails and everything is subject to change quicker than you know it. I have my dreams and that's all that I need.

This entry was pretty much one big, pointless ramble. I hope someone out there finds this entry even remotely interesting, even though technically I'm not blogging for anybody else aside from myself. I also decided that I would post something that I found inspirational in every entry, or something that reflects my mood or a situation that I am in. I can't find anything more suiting than the trailer for the 2003 version of Peter Pan. The original version has been one of my favorite movies ever since I was a little kid, and I really enjoyed the remake.

1 comment:

  1. I heart the Peter Pan remake. I have the flying theme song on my iPod. I'm a dork.

    <3 Lindsay Kane
